Sunday, November 26, 2006

Procession: Beating the Bounds

I was able to prepare the piece of music I created for download at:

It is 6 MB so it could be very slow if you have a dial-up. The piece is called "Procession:
Beating the Bounds." It was inspired by my studies of Druidry and British folklore. To wit:

"The custom of 'beating the bounds' has existed in Britain for well over 2000 years. Precise
origins are unclear although it can be found as part of ritual celebration within many
different cultures across Europe and beyond. In simple terms it involves people in the
locality perambulating their farm, manorial, church or civil boundaries pausing as they
pass certain trees, walls and hedges that denote the extent of the boundary to exclaim,
pray and ritually 'beat' particular landmarks with sticks. ...Such processions would typically
occur every seven or ten years. Apart from any religious significance in a time when
literacy or map-reading were not widespread skills these inspections served to ensure
boundaries remained intact, were known by local people and had not been sequestrated
by neighbouring landowners." (From

This piece can be used in meditating on and defining (protecting, marking) one's space/
territory, whether landscape, home, or ritual, as a community and as an individual, as a
sacred work of art.

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